We found 3 episodes of Self-Hosted with the tag “nix”.
113: State of the Homelabs 2023
December 29th, 2023 | 1 hr 27 mins
10gig, 3d printer, ansible, blue iris, borgbackup, caddy, dnsmasq, docker, duplicati, emby, esp32s, framework, freshrss, google drive, grafana, healthchecks.io, home assistant, influx, invoiceninja, jellyfin, jupiter broadcasting, macos, mergerfs, monitoring, music assistant, nextcloud, nix, nixos, obsidian, octoprint, ombi, opnsense, paperless-ngx, pihole, plex, plexamp, plexjelly-watched, poe cams, prometheus, proxmox, relationship, self-hosting podcast, smokeping, snapraid, storj, tailscale, todoist, traefik, tubeszb, ubu 22.04, unifi, vpn, wallabag, xfs, zfs, zigbee
We look back at what has changed, what's failed us, and what's sticking around in our homelabs.
103: Archiving the Internet
August 11th, 2023 | 59 mins 46 secs
android, apparmor, assist, bookmark manager, collaborative, collections, cross-plex server watch syncing, docker image, esphome, flakes, floccus, folders, github, home assistant, home assistant companion app, imdb-terminal, ios home screen, jellyfin, jupiter broadcasting, linkding, linkwarden, multi-arch deployments, nabu casa, nix, nixos, pdf, piper, plex, raspberry pi 4, screenshot, self-hostable, self-hosting podcast, selinux, swiftfin app, tags, tvos client, wake word detection, webpages, yaml
A few tools to build your own Way Back Machine, we check in with the "Year of Voice" and more.
83: Unintended Upgrades
November 4th, 2022 | 1 hr 3 mins
all things open, cm4, compute module 4, custom component, flash esphome over the air, generic thermostat, home assistant yellow, jay the linux guy, jellyfin, jupiter broadcasting, lacroix, mycroft, nextcloud backup, nix, nixos, openssl, scheduler card, self-hosting podcast, shelly, ubuntu, wsl2, z-wave, zfs, zimaboard
Sometimes your best upgrades are unplanned; Chris just got his Home Assistant Yellow fully deployed.